HOSEUS: Art – Paintings and Sculptures
A common life with art: canvas paintings and sculptures
HOSEUS – 2 Artists 1 Name:
Krimi and Harro Hoseus have been an artist couple for more than 20 years. For more than 20 years Krimhilde Hoseus has been dealing with graphics and painting. Harro Hoseus has been creating art for more than 30 years, first with poetry, then painting and finally sculpture, exhibitions in Germany and abroad (eg Hambacher Schloss, Germany, Tel Aviv, Israel), publications including in „visions of a new morning“ (Artist-group „link“, Edition Braus).
Hoseus – Work and Oevre
The artist couple design the complete creative process from the motif, through the design, to painting together on the same canvas picture. (Fusionstechnique). Hoseus works without galleries, art portals etc. (Direct Art).
On the one hand, the two artists create large-format paintings or canvas paintings commissioned (Commissioned works) with self-made, wide frames (3D frames). On the other hand sculptures of clay or plaster and steel are created. Characteristic of HOSEUS works are the magnification, the special cut and the reduction to a few details with substantial acrylic colors. The distance allows the capture of the image: details become visible, which does not exist when you take a closer look.